Garmin has launched the Instinct 2X Solar smartwatch alongside Solar Tactical Edition in India. The smartwatch comes with solar charging power glass, thermal/shock resistance, and a built-in LED flashlight among others. The smartwatches also have smart health monitors, activity trackers, and smart notifications. The Garmin Instinct 2X Solar smartwatch is available in Graphite, Flame Red, Whitestone, and Moss colour option, whereas the Tactical edition has two colour options. Both watches comes with Bluetooth and GPS connectivity.
Garmin Instinct 2X Solar, Tactical Editions smartwatch price and availability
The newly launched Garmin Instinct 2X Solar smartwatch is available at a price of Rs. 50,490. The smartwatch will go on sale via Garmin's partner retail stores. The hybrid smartwatch comes in Graphite, Flame Red, Whitestone, and Moss colour shades.
On the other hand, the Instinct 2X Solar Tactical Edition comes at a price of Rs. 55,990. One can buy it in Black and Coyote Tan colours. Both the Garmin Instinct 2X Solar and the Tactical Editions come in three sizes - 40mm, 45mm, and 50mm.
Garmin Instinct 2X Solar smartwatch specifications, features
Garmin Instinct 2X Solar smartwatch sports an analog design featuring a 50 x 50 x 14.5 mm display with 176 x 176-pixel resolution. The smartwatch supports solar power charging, which is claimed to offer unlimited battery life. Without solar charging, the watch is said to offer up to 40-day battery life in smartwatch mode and up to 60 hours in GPS mode. The watch also features smart notifications allowing users to receive text messages, access social media updates, emails, and more.
Additionally, the new Garmin Instinct 2X Solar watch supports Bluetooth and GPS connectivity. Further, the watch offers several safety and health monitoring features like a wrist-based heart rate sensor, sleep monitor, pulse oximeter, and women's health tracker among others. The Instinct 2X Solar also has an incident detection feature. The watch offers a 10 ATM rating for water resistance. It also has a multi-band GNSS sensor, an LED flashlight, and Jumpmaster Mode designed for skydivers.
Garmin Instinct 2X Solar Tactical Edition smartwatch specifications, features
Garmin Instinct 2X Solar Tactical Edition smartwatch comes with a 50 x 50 x 14.7 mm display and silicone strap. The display is monochrome, sunlight-visible, and has a transflective memory-in-pixel panel. The smartwatch is said to offer up to 28 days of battery life in smartwatch mode, up to 30 hours with GPS enabled, and up to 65 days in battery saver watch mode. The watch has night vision compatibility, dual position format, and ballistics calculator that helps user in long-range shootings.
Apart from these, the watch offers the same features as the Garmin Instinct 2X Solar smartwatch.
from Gadgets 360
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